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Here you will see about the tools used to create various mechanics, and how they were made. Along with concept art that I have designed for certain aspects from the main protagonists, enemies, weapons and tiles etc.

Technical Practice: Intro
Technical Practice: Welcome


These are my first few attempts at creating different concept art, from a simple building to weapons and characters. Some turned out better than others, but they still took me a while to do. I’m not really an artist so I can’t draw something amazing straight off the top of my head like some people can, but I’m happy with how they turned out nonetheless.

Technical Practice: Text
Technical Practice: Pro Gallery


These are the final designs for the Tilesets that I will be using in my game, the ice Tileset will be used for level 1, the marsh/swamp Tilesets will be used for level 2 and the rocky ones will be used for level 3. I did use sets I purchased online as reference, but I did make all these tiles myself in Photoshop using the pencil, eraser and fill tools. I did this because there wasn’t enough variation in the ones that I purchased so I decided to make my own.

Apart from using Photoshop, I also used Piskel, as there is a tool that allows you to change a single colour ins one click, and it’s literally called ‘paint all pixels of the same colour. I found this when I was making my game last year, albeit not straight away but when I did it made creating my Tilesets that much easier.

Technical Practice: Text
Technical Practice: Pro Gallery


These are the blended Tilesets that I made after sorting the issue from the Tilesets above. As mentioned in the problem-solving section, I spent more time in Photoshop making the blending tiles so the levels would look a lot better and more professional.

I used the levels in UE4 as reference to see where I needed to make the blending tiles and it worked out really well. When I put the levels together with the new blended tiles, they looked a lot better than previously.

I only did this for the Tilesets that I was going to use, and not the other variations as this would have wasted time as I am only currently using one Tileset per level. So, I only concentrated on one of each Tileset for all levels.

Technical Practice: Text
Technical Practice: Pro Gallery
Technical Practice: Text
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